Nomination window closed on December 17 at 23.59 UTC.
First of all, congratulations! If you have received an email saying you have been nominated for the Positive Leadership Awards 2023, it means someone in your network thinks your leadership has impacted them in a profound way.
The more nominations you receive, the higher the chance of you winning. Feel free to share your nomination with your network to inspire more nominations.
To be considered for the Award, please fill in the nomination acceptance form below. You need to do it only once.
What happens if I do not accept the nomination?
In this case, the nominations submitted for you will not be included in the jury review.
How do I increase my chances of winning?
Encourage your network to support your nomination. The more nominations are submitted for a specific leader, the higher their chance of winning.
Can I know who nominated me?
If the nominator preferred not to disclose their name, we respect their decision and do not disclose their identity.
Do I have to pay for the nomination or for winning?
No, participation in the Positive Leadership Awards is completely free of charge. You can read here about our mission & objectives.