Positive Leadership Awards 2023


Nomination window closed on December 17 at 23.59 UTC.

Nomination Form 2023
For validation purposes, we kindly ask you to specify the email you use for work as opposed to free email services such as @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, or any other alternative. This information will not be shared with a nominee or any third parties.
If you are nominating someone else, please specify their name, not yours.
If you are nominating someone else, please specify their name, not yours.
We will not disclose to the nominees who nominated them to preserve your privacy.

Think of a person that you have worked with before and who you believe is a positive leader. It is not a good manager who did well what is the norm or what is expected from a good manager, but a great manager who is positively different from the average and does something exceptional from the norm on a regular basis. 


Pick a real-life example of when this person demonstrated positive leadership. Please provide a detailed description of this example below. To fully understand the example you provide, you are kindly asked to provide as many details as possible.


Bad example:
Sarah is a positive leader because she encourages everyone to be kind.


Great example:
Our company works in a very competitive market with very few growth opportunities. When the main way to get a new client is by taking it from someone else, externally or internally, it inevitably creates a dog-eat-dog environment. When Sarah came to lead our sales team, values or virtues were not in our vocabulary. So when, at the end of the year, she introduced an internal kindness competition for our team, everyone was skeptical, to say the least. The task was simple - to complete as many acts of kindness within the company as possible within one week. It didn't take even one day for other teams to ask if they could join the competition. For 3 years, it is now an annual organization-wide competition with more than a thousand participants. Such a simple idea, but it completely transformed how I see our organization now. The same is true for our clients. Many of them mentioned much better client service when switching from our competitors. It would have been great to measure the direct business effect of such a competition. What I know, however, is that internally we divide the company into two periods - before and after this kindness competition initiated by Sarah.

Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?
Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?
Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?
Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?
Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?
Here are a few suggestions of what to cover: What is the context of the situation you want to describe? What was the nominee trying to achieve in this situation? Which steps exactly did the nominee take in this situation? What are the outcomes or results these actions lead to?

Final step: one of the main criteria to receive the Positive Leadership Awards is the current & potential impact of the nominee, represented by the number of people that nominate this person. 

For the sake of your privacy, we will not disclose that you suggested them, unless you choose differently.


Dedicate at least 15 minutes for filling in this form. If you don’t have time now, click below and we will remind you to complete it.  

Make sure that you provide as specific examples as possible so that the judges could truly appreciate the impact the nominee makes.

The more people nominate a specific person, the higher is the chance of the nominee getting the award.